Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Gentle non invasive manual technique that stimulates the lymphatic system to increase lymph flow. This aids circulation and the lymphatic system’s cleansing process to keep our tissue environment healthy. MLD can treat a host of health conditions...
Lymphoedema Management
Using Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT) to reduce and stabilise swelling of the limb/area, break down scar tissue and fibrosis, increase mobility and prevent progression of the condition plus give you tools to self manage...
Lipoedema Management
Often told to try dieting and frequently misdiagnosed, lipoedema is a genetic metabolic disease whereby there is a higher than normal deposit of fatty tissue under the skin (Greek. Lip = fat). Early detection and management will help prevent worsening of this condition.
Low Level Laser Therapy
Safe and effective in treating fibrosis, scar tissue, cording/axillary web syndrome, pain, muscle tightness - contractures, tissue softening, radiation scarring, seromas...
Compression Garments
Measuring/fitting/ordering of ready to wear or custom made garments required for: Medical prescription - lymphology (lymphoedema/lipoedema), venous conditions, pregnancy or Sports and Travel garments...
Sequential Intermittent Pneumatic Compression
SIPC is the latest technology to reduce swelling, soften skin and improve tissue health ~ used for lymphoedema, lipoedema, traumatic oedema, chronic venous oedema and enhance ~ sports recovery & performance...
Cancer Rehabilitation
Treatments are designed specifically for your needs to improve surgical and adjuvant therapy outcomes ~ surgical scars, post radiotherapy scarring, post surgical oedema, seroma reduction (non invasive), cording/axillary web syndrome. We use lymphatic drainage techniques, low level laser therapy and medical lymphatic taping.
Scar Therapy
To improve scar outcomes ~ regenerate lymphatic vessels to grow and prevent uncontrolled growth of the scar. This includes medical lymphatic taping, lymphatic manual techniques and compression therapy.
Palliative Services
Home & hospice visits using lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging and compression therapy to improve quality of life & reduce symptoms of oedema (swelling), pain and immobility.